Thursday, September 10

ps.... cause i can't sleep and all...

 i kinda heart this picture near craft service from a movie i was in.... um, i don't remember my characters' name actually... so i'll call her the chick from a movie i did w/  taye digs....  was called mary janes last dance, then came out under 'new best friend'.. it's a silly movie in the end, and the middle... but was one of those neat actor eperiences, you're on location for 2 months, away from all distractions of home... getting paid to play in front of a camera.
we shot in N.C, and  before filming started, i wandered round town, into a clothing store, where rather promptly, i was asked would you like to be in the 'ethnic' fashion night this week.. um, 'no' i mutter... putting back the blouse i'd been holding so i can pull out my 'i'm black but i'm totally here shooting a movie' card. 
then I end up in a store full of good old  rebel south & Natzi memrobilia, always  touching combo btw... i get out alive and forge forth to one more store.... a NY retired jew running a card shop, so lovely, welcoming and safer.. because for a moment i'd felt unsafe, by myself, weird feeling, i don't often  feel.
anyway, back to why i like this pic... i was playing college.... and y'know i wasn't at all in college... 
my buddy Dom Swain on movie was 18, a hooot, & i spent many a day in the arcade w/ her acting silly, because the director had said on the 1st get together... 'look at my cast, nobody over 25" so y'know us actors, we are whatever you want us to be in a movie... definitely not in REAL LIFE tho fyi... 
this pic to me- captures me playing someone, whose playing someone else in a movie... carrying a secret in my eyes, and loving it.


  1. To get a creepy chill in a "Nazi and Southern Rebel memorabilia shop" would be a perfectly normal reaction. I'd get nauseated.

    I think you'll be able to play college till age 60.

    Nice anecdotes..thanks for sharing,
    schon frau.

  2. A "Nazi and Southern Rebel memorabilia shop", huh? I guess times change, but attitudes don't.

  3. Who's that sexy girl in that MOVIE....I never saw New Best Friend,But now with the POWER of Netflix,I CAN NOW CHECK IT OUT.
