Now I kinda get why wax tiger ignored the mocha.
(yes btw i know were using a roman calander w/arabic numerals so no need to remind me it's not really 2010.)
many of you asked hey, watcha up to?.. i've done some film work that's in the can, but i don't know when it's out so i've been focused on writing, personal growth, and stepping back to enjoy the life I've carved out and what i'd like to accomplish next, navigating & plotting the next course... 'w/ miles to go before i sleep'...
Here goes... sorry if my answers bore you to tears... squish squish darling.
i'm gonna have to go w/ horse.. my cousin owns a barn & riding school, i still have a horse shoe she gave me when i was like 8...
mineral- er... fuck.. um.. ok.. ruby? rose quartz... diamonds are sparkly..malachite, tough to, greens not me color... um something sparkly & blue today.
lol, kathy!
i was described as being 'aloof' online... I don't see that,but maybe it's because i don't comment on others pages a lot. it's easier and more time efficient check my page, honestly...i have a net presence w. boundaries, which means essentially i will block a mo fo, in a heartbeat, in more ways than one.
i've never understood why people get upset when they don't get attention on web from essentially strangers. to me, the FB, twitter is all like frosh year at NYU, minus the dying of the hair to announce I'm someone new & special DAMMIT.
oh, and let's be real... i'm not famous, i know people who are though, it's a part of working as an actor, so it's not extraordinary in the sense you'd think.. you'd be surprised that so & so and I play cards, or board games... or watched point break in Kuai before attempting to surf... or (insert anything mundane & normal...)
- Rev. Jim Ignatowski
Kareem Braxton I want to did u get into acting?
find a class... see if you like it and have fun doing it, is my 1st step of advice... i took classes.. did free plays/ a theatre internship, performed at Williamstown Theatre festival all before moving to LA and focusing on movies...... it's not always the glamorous flossy life, so, you'd better really be consumed by the need to create a career, despite the lack of security inherent in the job. You must LOVE it, otherwise... it will grind you down. i love it. all of it. it's all i know. show folk are a breed, like circus folk. it's def not just about looking pretty. go model then.
ps- just received lovely email from an old European friend...alls i can say is-American boys, step your game up!