totally just 'sold'humans at Naacp charity auction honoring Chairman Julian Bond....-started off by saying- i'm not gonna use word auction, cause there's humans involved...was all in very good fun, for charity, also added- 'think of this as the week on NPR, kcrw, when you DONATE to support, and i'm your Ira Glass... was held at jude mathis house.. 1 word people, plastics. no, actually syndication.
jusge mathis went from gang kid, to youngest judge in his area, to world known tv show... that's chutzpah. last time i attended party at his house the LA Mayor flew in party on helicopter... syndication, y'all. totally regret not grabbing lunch w/ Mr Julian Bond, bid, i mean donation, was high but could/should have! argh #failtotalktolegendoverlunch
ps.. faceless sam- those pics of kids are unbelievably beautiful, and sad since the day you put your dog down...