the 1st pic is from last fall...
because i still just feel like me... which i dig, cause me's alright by me... i guess i thought it would feel... i don't know...know i've grown when i look at my past.. maybe that's what feeling like a grownup is... being able to accept ones self, flaws and all... and not feel defensive when those flaws are pointed out or rear up like a chimera of the past....old habits are certainly ingrained, but i dig new ways of thinking and creating life, not just the life reported on the news... like if i hear 'in these troubled times' one more time on the news...
visit from Mr. Wilde, who'll be beaming down shortly it's said, will do nicely, he brings out the best in me. Mr. Kafka is out 1 guest room.
oh how much i've changed btw... not that i mind... a friend of my dads took this... so i was grown, but some how uncle bruce brought out the girl in the would be woman...