Tuesday, July 14

sometimes i needs me some alone time....

I'm good at picking up and putting scraps of things together...sometimes pieces of energy together... it can be draining...it's the best high you've ever known... yet, it can go either way...
this precious life force we've been gifted, always full of deligh, surprise and challenging but needed change...when this pic was taken, i knew something was afoot and not quite right in my life, so i curled up like the Cheshire cat, disappeared... and when the dust settled..the changes changed...i saw clearly again... and smiled a Cheshire cat smile... or a phoenix song....

then after that, I put on these shoes and kicked some ass- oh wait, i can't really walk in stilettos, curses foiled again! so i wore my jackson 5/geoge clinton boots instead. but i covet these glorious example of a foot tortured into position not correct for human anatomy w/ the ability to hurt back.. that's art to me.



  1. wow it looks like a wax rachel,oh wait that's the real you...love this pic...an yes it's really good for the mind,to have some alone time!

  2. I love that chair you are sitting in. I also found it funny that you can't walk in stilletos. Neither can I (trust me I have tried)... It's amazing the simularities and differences a person can notice between other people if we just sit back and listen.

  3. Alone time is a must..to stay connected and to truly know yourself.
    If I feel the need to be alone, and I'm not allowed to be...my spirit turns into those spiked shoes, I have such a disposition, that I ultimately end up alone afterall. :) ::cue in cat fight cry!:: LOL

  4. What are those shoes made of porcupine? Those are some prickly shoes, maybe it's a good thing you can't wear them, you might hurt somebody.
