Saturday, June 13

clumsy and kissy

lots of people ask, who sang theme song to H&H- Melonie Daniels did,not me!!!! lots of people still ask about H&H, and tho we were a family, it's been done long enough for me to go..oh, was that me?!.... i def keep in touch w/ lot's of people from H&H!
um, so here's a montage of some H&H and old movie clips that 'was' me, or more correctly me playing other people, at one time or another...i call this mash up

'clumsy and kissy'
has some fun clips from a gregg araki movie,Nowhere, not porn btw....

funny for me to see old's so far from this moment today, working on indie film projects the same, also making my own documentary, feeling life for real, w/o the safety net of dialogue written, and character to cloak myself in....I ♥ you Mona tho!!!
...well until the 4pm syndi episode... which i've never watched btw.... xxRT
oh forgot to add 2nd song is by supreme beings of leisure-never the same girl. it's on my music player that you should shut off before watching video btw. True


  1. Love it! The song is perfect, who sings it?

  2. I loved you in Nowhere and I love Araki's The Living End.

  3. You are always the hottest any of your movies or shows...IMHO

  4. look up 'guilty pleasure' in my dictionary and you'd find this video (Should be working...right!)...LOVED IT!

  5. Okay thanks... I clicked on the video now I must go watch The Craft again...for like the 20+ time gosh. Don't know why but it kinda reminds me of the story of Faust


  7. AAWwe i reeeaally miss H&H. I'm still upset it got cancelled. Wishe BET would've adopted the show. I'm so glad i came across your blog because i always wondered what happened to you.

  8. AnonymousJune 20, 2009

    I love watching you in whatever you in, TV, movies, bed **wink** you cool peeps. Can't wait to see what you do next.
